Thursday, December 24, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Looking Back At 2009 and Ahead At 2010

www.rosskeycountry.comLynchburg, VA: With lots going on in his career over the past eight months, Ross Key of Ross Key Country, has had little time to slow down. He's played locally and regionally during the early part of the year, and then branched out to play in states up and down the east coast. When asked how he thought the year had gone for him, Key stated, "Considering where I started eight or nine months ago, and where I am today, I believe 2009 has been successful for me. I've got a song I wrote and perform that has held a Top 10 spot on ReverbNation's country music chart for the state of Virginia over the last five months. Saturday Night has now held the number three spot for three of those months and is still climbing. Although I'm on an indie label, I have had A&R out of New York call wanting me to sign on with them. And I'm still waiting to hear back from Metzgar with Universal as to whether or not I'm getting in on their 2010 roster. Touring has been good. I've got a great publicist."

Coming up next month on Thursday, January 7, 2010 Ross Key Country will celebrate with an official release party for his hit, Saturday Night, at Moose Lodge 715 located at 3207 Lakeside Drive in Lynchburg, Virginia. The event will begin at 7:30 PM and RSVP is strongly suggested with reservations emailed to Ross Key Country will be performing throughout the evening. Special guest appearances are being lined up and the evening promises to be exciting. The release party will be in conjunction with his "After the party's over, RKC still parties" 2010 event.

Key stated he hoped the turnout would be substantial. Not so much in support of him, but in support of traditional country music on a whole, which many - including Key - believes to be in danger of extinction. While this has been dubbed as "Taylor Swift's World", and Key takes nothing away from her for what she has accomplished, it's her style of music that is taking over Nashville. And, although Key has had many tell him, "no one wants to hear those cheatin', drinkin' songs", he has to chuckle.

"I've stepped back onto the stage and been told that mostly by other entertainers. Yet, within a week or two, they are up on stage singing the same songs I've always sung. But, that aside, the audience response is the barometer. And I've gotten fantastic feedback from them. It really means something when you've got the younger crowd - late teens to late twenties - supporting you."

Want to meet this down-to-earth, always the same entertainer? Be sure to RSVP to attend the January 7, 2010 event. Because the Moose Lodge is a private organization, if you are not a member, be sure to RSVP so arrangements can be made.

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